In order to keep the peace with you and others, most people, especially in certain cultures, will never say, what they really mean.That’s why it’s up to you to select the best course of action. Often, the most obvious one, may have to be avoided. There is, for instance, a huge difference between a spontaneous and a feigned smile. How do you pick up on that? This is all part of the game of life. And that’s the reason, why genuine friends and partners, whom we expect to be sincere, are indispensible over time. Dealing with this on your own, is a huge challenge every time. Surely, you may be suffering from the same fate, not being straightforward about your thoughts and feelings towards others. Your attitude towards others may determine their attitude towards you! Perhaps knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of others (Carl Jung).
Sincerity is a rare human quality in a very imperfect world. Sincerity never triumphs completely, because society relies so much on form and convention and its participants walk the walk and talk the talk according to certain rituals, which have become commonplace in everyday life. Sincerity carries risks. Most people aren’t strong enough to be sincere.There is frankly no place anymore for expressing your true feelings in public, especially if these are in any way humiliating another person or group. ‘Why make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate?’ (Nelson Mandela). Sincerity often ends up being regrettable, because you wouldn’t be keen to have to look at yourself in the mirror, would you?
In the final analysis, public sincerity may hurt you the most. Are you using criticism of others to build your own ego? In order to navigate through life successfully, you typically cannot show your hand, certainly not right away. You don’t have to be deceitful nor hypocritical, but being totally open about things, better left unsaid, may make your life unneccesarily tough.
25th September, 2014