Focus on the future. Today’s reality should not stop you from moving forward. Convince yourself, that the future has to be different from today. Do you have a sense of mission? Because that’s what keeps you going. Especially if it appears to be mission impossible. The harder the goal, the more it will bring out the best in you.
People often achieve greatness, when they go beyond themselves. Never accept excuses. Get used to being utterly unreasonable, particularly with yourself, because listening to reason is frequently a shortcut to going bust. Always rate yourself above average in relation to others. That alone will give you self-respect and avoids stress. Make sure, that you always keep moving, while you achieve things. The world is not static. You have to constantly face up to new challenges, otherwise you could be history. This also means acquiring new skills all the time. Taking control of your destiny means saying goodbye to a quiet life.
Do you seize real opportunities as they arise? Go for them, no matter how challenging they may be. Seizing the moment may force you to learn and grow and become an extraordinary person. You would never have imagined to get to where you may be in the future. Remember, every crisis situation is also an opportunity. Sometimes you will be forced to totally ignore the easy way out. Your time has come. Don’t let it slip away!
Doing well, takes effort and commitment. Therefore, you have to enjoy, what you are doing. You have to be able to say: ‘oh yes, this is me’. Then you will smile, while toiling away. Do, what you love and success, along with confidence, will come naturally. A legendary work ethic will set you apart from the crowd.
Westcliff-On-Sea, Essex, U.K.