You should do your best to rise above something unpleasant. But aren't you then 'in denial'? Partially yes. But it'll give you a chance to see the forest from the trees. It also prevents you from getting mired in something, that could get hard to get out of. Focus instead on positive alternatives and keep your head high, no matter what happens. Don't give in to 'reality'. No storm lasts forever. This too shall pass.
Be good enough not to do what most other people seem to be doing. The 'herd' instinct is part of human nature, but be aware, that being part of that, often clouds your judgment. You actually may lose your ability to be successful, because a group has a mind of its own. You may regret being part of a group later, but the group may not let you go quietly. So if you end up in such a situation, rise quietly above the prejudices of that group and get the hell out.
In some societies, the group is everything and the individual is nothing. This dilemma is very difficult to deal with. It's human nature to try and survive at all costs. If you stand out, you're dangerously exposed. You could be considered a threat to the cohesion of that society and then you are at risk. Remember however, that personal freedom is the highest good, more so, than getting enough to eat. Conformity is a necessary evil at times, it's unnatural, a stop-gap measure, a short-term 'fix', until something better can be obtained. You should rise above this nuisance. Dream therefore of your True Self and magic will happen.
DIEDERIK SCHMULL November 20th, 2018 Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.