Wednesday, 29 December 2021



A Swedish startup, called EPICENTER, has apparently already implanted a microchip into the skin of 6,000 people. A vaccine passport or anything else to track the vaccination status will no longer be needed. Its forgery would also be unlikely. Just a wave, with the implanted hand, would give instant access to computers, events, restaurants, security chambers ('panic rooms') and supermarkets. Radio-Frequency-Identification (RFID) microchip technology has been around for a long time: most mobile phones are equipped with RFID (if hacked, they can act as a perfect spy). Most pets are microchipped. Most items in a store are microchipped. Moreover, this implantable microchip also contains personal financial information. Would this be the beginning of the end of cash, credit cards and personal medical information? Are we now past the point of any privacy or ethical issues at all? Has this train left the station long ago? Only the people with a microchip may be allowed to participate in society.


As foretold by the Bible? Apostle John in Revelation 13:15 - 17. : All people, great and small, rich or poor, free and slave, receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell, unless they had the mark. It's all a matter of interpretation. The 'mark of the beast' mentioned here, may not be a physical mark at all. It's closely tied to the worship, the loyalty and the devotion to the loud beast, while the mark of the Lamb (Revelation 14:1) is, most likely, the spiritual, non-visible, mark of the righteous. The beast ('the Anti-Christ') gets much more attention than it deserves. Why spread needless fear among the followers of Jesus? Jesus is the focus and the victory of the, more unnoticed, Lamb. All the end-times speculations appear to be very overstated, again. Now is the time to make sure, that you are not caught in popular sensationalism.

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 29th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

Saturday, 25 December 2021



If it's free, you are the product, not the customer. Welcome to the New World. It's all about harvesting your data and part of digital marketing. You are being tracked. Where are you, who are you and what are you doing? You'll be targeted by advertising. You'll be manipulated by political campaigns and the media.

If a vaccine is free and authorized 'for emergency use only' (EUA), you'll have to rely on 'the benefits outweigh the risks'. You are the guinea pig in an experiment. You'll have to listen to the experts and the higher-ups. If a 'rare' adverse event occurs, you're just unlucky. That's the price you'll have to pay for the common good.  Life is all about risks anyway --- you take some and avoid others. Doing nothing at all, may be the biggest risk of all. Should you really trust your own instinct?

But what happens, when you ignore your own gut instinct? You may not be feeling 'good'. You may feel betrayed and deceived by yourself.  'Go with the flow', however, seems so convenient and uncontroversial. You want to work so hard to fit in. Or were you born to stand out from the crowd? You could be a hero or a villain. 

Between September and November, a salmon's instinct is to lay eggs ('spawn') and to swim upstream, against the tide, to the river they were born. They can be pretty sure of finding mates there. The salmon spawn creates new life. Unfortunately, after spawning, most salmon have used up their energy and die. The salmon life cycle then starts all over again. Only dead salmon are going downstream.

In life, you have 3 choices: give up, give in or give it your all (Parker). Life doesn't just happen. There are big and, hopefully positive,  life decisions to be made. Sometimes, you'll have to make tough decisions. You cannot run away from them. 'Selling your soul for free' is one of the toughest decisions you'll ever make. Good luck.

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 26th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

Friday, 24 December 2021



The endgame of your mind control is the injection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems into your body. Once injected, they would self-assemble and read the most private thing you have: your mind. Tiny carbon nanotubes (CNT's), discovered in the last few decades, could be used to target your cells. These CNT's could be activated by external signals, like 5 G towers. Similarly, these CNT's could be used to help control tumors, cholesterol and blood by delivering drugs and antibodies. But this would also allow the creation of a bio-weapon system inside your cells. The only question is: when will all of this become a reality? Or is this already happening?  Could mass vaccination mandates be 'the start of something Big'?


The 1918 'Spanish Flu' had nothing to do with Spain. It was caused by vaccines, given to the American soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas. Vaccinated soldiers started dying, soon after being jabbed. Blood became stagnant. Breathing became more difficult and suffocation followed. This was not caused by a virus. It was caused by vaccines. To call this 'Spanish influenza' was the ultimate insult. It has taken more than a generation to unearth the truth. ('Vaccination condemned', by Eleanor McBean, PhD.; McBean was an unvaccinated survivor of the 'Spanish Flu'.)

Today, global totalitarianism could be on the horizon. Monitoring and controlling you, as a human being, would be extremely attractive, once modern technology is being rolled out on a global scale. Surveillance and enslavement could become the new normal as would be, once again, depopulation ('thinning the herd'), birth control and reducing humans, deemed unfit ('eugenics'), especially the 'useless' people of 65 years and older (!). Already, most countries on planet Earth could hardly be called liberal democracies. But the most precious concept in life is still personal freedom, NOT bread, circuses and water. Therefore, the phrase: 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness' in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, remains a beacon of hope for the despairing masses of the world. That's why the American dream is still alive and well and why so many millions of immigrants are making and have made their way to the United States of America.

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 24th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

Friday, 17 December 2021



Our civilization on planet Earth is just one of countless others in the entire universe. Many of these other civilizations must be much more advanced than our own. Perhaps millions of years! But that means they must have the very latest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computational power. That points to potential Supercomputers, which may already control life and death on planet Earth. There can be no more stark reminder of this possible control than the H.A.L. 9000 Supercomputer in the film: 2001, a Space Odyssey (1968). Shutting down this machine by the crew was in the film almost unsuccessful. But that would be unthinkable today, if the human race is already compelled to follow the plans of the machines of the more advanced civilizations out there. Could this explain the previously unthinkable events, taking place on planet Earth?

(EW.COM)(2001, A SPACE ODYSSEY)(1968)

These AI Supercomputers may already be in charge of millions, perhaps billions, of human minds. Nano-scale microchips may already effortlessly monitor and instruct innumerable  number of people on planet Earth. The human race could already be at the whim of exoplanetary systems. That aliens are among us, is not far-fetched at all. It is actually likely to be true and human behavior is already being manipulated. It is next to impossible to recognize the end game of all of this, but the mere fact, that the human race could be forced to do something, it really doesn't want to do, is food for serious thought. Has the disappearance of humanity begun?

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 18th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

Monday, 13 December 2021



Anything could happen to you. Whatever is meant to happen, will happen. But is your fate really totally outside of your control? Be prepared for the unexpected at all times. It's not necessarily bad or painful. Even if it is, then you should accept it as part of life. Once you are at peace with the course of events, you'll be able control the direction of where you're going, even if you may not be able to change your fate. It is, what it is. That may sound fatalistic, but is simply a tactical move on your part. You just want to move on and often the path of least resistance is the only way forward. Otherwise you may never escape your particular fate.

(Your modern family): THE FORTUNE COOKIE

Your fate is not inevitable. You've got to believe that. There may be a natural order to the universe, but you should try to be more sensible than brave. That's the way to survive. The uppermost thing in your mind should be your survival. It's also vital for you to understand, that you should have a healthy mind in a healthy body ('mens sana in corpore sano'). As you're getting on, that becomes increasingly a challenge, but never doubt the power of your mind. Things are the way you think they are. That means, that you may have to pretend for awhile. You pretend, that you're already there, where you want to be. This is not necessarily dishonest. It's just sometimes the only way forward, when you feel that you're stuck.

Nobody wants to be a slave, especially to fear. Your fate may be in someone else's control. Of course, that could be very uncomfortable. But try and make yourself invulnerable.  Many have done so. You can do that too. Time is of the essence. The time, that passes you by, you'll never get back. Besides, health and life are terminal. As soon as you realize that, you'll be wide awake!

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 14th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

Sunday, 12 December 2021



Your obsession can also cause miracles, instead of anxieties. The right obsession can make you unbelievably happy. If you're determined to break free from the control of your unsatisfactory life style and move on, you've actually taken the first step to a life, that you're destined to lead. Your destiny is waiting to be explored by you. Only you can make it happen.  Don't ever be afraid of your future. Your future will take care of itself. If you constantly worry about 'what ... if', then the door of the life you're meant to lead, remains closed.

Breaking free means that you have put yourself into orbit. Now your incredible journey can begin. We all start out as damaged goods, not as innocent toddlers. That's because most parents aren't perfect and have trouble dealing with kids (and pets!). Leaving your past behind is a necessary condition of putting yourself on the right path to your right obsession. We all have our part to play in the grand scheme of things. That part is always significant, even though it may not seem that way at first. You should be very proud of being able to play a part, because life could always be worse. Much worse. If it's much worse, it could well be your own fault. That's at least often the perception of the people around you. Then dreaming of what your life really should be like, is your only choice.

Superstitions also get in the way of living your life. Think 'out of the box'. Try to be original. You'll stand out from the crowd, but don't worry about that. One of the lessons of life is, that nothing is, what it seems anyway. You should question everything that's commonly believed. Not easy, for sure, but being part of the herd is dangerous. The herd cannot think, but is swept away by the illusions of reality, not reality itself. You'll be doing yourself a favour, if you stay in your orbit. Your life will be good and will get better.

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, December 13th, 2021, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.