Are you ready to just give up and let nature take its course? Trying to control everything, may not be prudent from time to time, even if that makes you uncomfortable. Nobody should believe they know better all the time. Isn't it amazing, that your unwillingness to simply trust Nature could have very unwelcome consequences?
If you think a Law of Nature is no longer binding, it is because you think it to be so. Is your private opinion really relevant? Nature will take care of itself and is often better left alone. Fear Nature instead! This fear is intended as respect and the beginning of true wisdom. 'The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing' (Socrates).
Is 'doing nothing' always the best option? Of course not. Anyone, who's been injured, has the right to treatment and recovery. Not taking responsibility for the suffering of wild animals is equally cruel. Feelings of compassion should never be ignored. Every animal, just like every human being, deserves a second chance. This is a very important part of living your life. You will be rewarded incredibly!