Spend your time on what matters to you. The more you love doing something, the better you will be at it. Create your unique niche. Focus on what comes easily. No one does, what you do, quite like you do it. This will bring big rewards.
You will never be short of time, because you stop trying too hard at the wrong things. That’s why old-fashioned ‘time management’ and ‘prioritization’ is an abuse of your time. The new world demands specialization and an ability to be outstanding. ‘Keeping up’ is no longer enough. Mediocrity is no longer accepted and conformity is no longer rewarded. The way the current world works, is to do more of what you’re good at and the results will seem like magic.
The mentality of ‘working hard’ has driven society for generations, but the current information economy demands being yourself, pursuing excellence and becoming a star in your own way. The key point is, to create an exciting life with a well-defined purpose. You will also gain an abundance of time, as you focus on the right things, which will make you feel more relaxed. This has now become your life, nobody else’s.
Leave your former life behind. You cannot afford to go a day without thinking of how things should be, your new ‘reality’, just as you won’t go without breakfast. Pursuit of your daily dream becomes the norm. You get to the point, that you feel, that you can handle anything, including any doubts or fears. You’ve finally taken responsibility for the rest of your life!
July 21st, 2014
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