Saturday, 6 September 2014



Reinvention should be the basis of life of anyone. If you’re not happy with the way things are, change them. Move on from everything, that you no longer are prepared to tolerate! Your past should not control your present and future. Look forward to your personal transformation. Ignite your boundless energy to start living your dream. Seize the day! Your new life cannot wait. All it takes, is to do away with your illusory limitations. All problems are temporary and should therefore not affect your nervous system permanently. Why shouldn’t everyone have a shot at being on top of the world? If so, then you will truly feel alive.

You may feel trapped in jobs or relationships, that have become dead-end. You should question your present situation at all times. If you are close to thinking: ‘Enough is Enough’, you may have done yourself a great favour. You may be on the way to living your dream. Nothing should be considered unrealistic. Why don’t you make a list of your most outrageous dreams? Guess what: you will feel compelled to do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams! There should be no limits to your imagination, ever. Many people will try to put you down. Don’t lose your confidence, if you are at the receiving end of this common practice. Choose a thought, that honours you, who you are and you are about to get back in control of your environment. Over time, you will be treated with respect, because you will prove to the world, that you deserve recognition.

Your mind determines nearly everything and may therefore need regular ‘surgery’. Reinventing yourself is an absolute requirement to keep going. If you don’t change with the world around you, you will get left behind, big time. Don’t wait for your future to find you, because you’ll wait in vain. Moving forward, is what counts, even with baby steps. Just imagine the future, that you want and you’re feeling better already! If you’re feeling fear, that’s O.K., as long as you act anyway. That’s called COURAGE.

September 6th, 2014


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