Tuesday, 30 October 2018



Don't let anybody tell you that being alive today is awful. When you hear that, you should just roll your eyes. At no time in history have there been so many opportunities to live your dream. The current communication revolution, with its explosive growth in internet and smartphones, has truly enabled people to become successful, wherever they happen to be. Suddenly the world has become one village and creating overnight success is more common than ever. All it takes is passion, persistence and a strong work ethic. Rectify that: a very strong work ethic.

Your great-grandparents had to deal with war, economic depression, diseases, extreme poverty and slavery. Despite these tragedies, you have survived and you have been given the chance to make something of your life. Be grateful. You may not be aware of how awful life has been in the past for most people. Aren't you lucky! That's why you should focus on improving your life and the life of others now. Not later. That's your mission.

At the same time, you should develop a clear personal vision of how to reach certain goals in life in the future. That means, that you are no longer on auto-pilot! You know where you're going. Yes, you're in the race. No matter what. Your focus guarantees, that any excuses cannot derail you and that you will stay the course. These will no longer slow you down. You are now in control of your own destiny, because you will outwork anyone, who is smarter and more gifted than you are. You are unstoppable. What a sweet experience!

RICK SCHMULL    October 30th, 2018       Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

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