Thursday, 10 February 2022



Could all modern human beings ('Homo Sapiens' - 'wise man) someday become extinct? The Neanderthals, which emerged 400,000 years ago, became extinct 40,000 years ago, after having coexisted with Homo Sapiens for awhile 54,000 years ago. According to recent discoveries, modern humans have a small amount of Neanderthal DNA, indicating that they interbred. Neanderthals were obviously not as smart as modern human beings.

But modern humanity is likely to be far behind other alien civilizations, which inhabit the universe. Exoplanetary systems may already determine the eventual fate of the human race. That fate may hang in the balance, if the human race is ever being perceived as a potential threat. Suffering the same fate as the Neanderthals long ago,  is a real prospect and provides food for thought! Many ancient civilizations, like the Maya and the Vikings, also disappeared in the distant past.

Humanity has suffered catastrophes before, but always recovered. The Black Death may have caused the death of 30% of Europe's population over a period of 7 years in the 14th century, but that was only 10% of the global population at the time. However, current global catastrophic risks include: another global war, a nuclear holocaust, cyberterrorism affecting critical infrastructure, artificial intelligence and bioterrorism, using genetically modified organisms. A huge asteroid impact, supervulcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes and tsunamis are also ever-present dangers.

On average, species survive for a million years, before going extinct. Planet earth has existed for 4.5 billion years and may remain habitable for another few billion years. But if humanity manages to escape planet earth, the human population may have a chance to survive for billions or trillions of years more.

But the unthinkable can also not be ruled out, like hostile extraterrestrial life. Aliens, with a civilization far more advanced than our own, may have decided to exterminate humanity in order to eliminate their potential risk to the rest of the universe, as space travel is now being kicked into high gear. Perhaps a planned Pandemic with unsafe mandated mass vaccination, causing inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or a risky programmed climate change, like artificially blocking the Sun, in order to seemingly keep global warming from overheating planet earth, would achieve the required result. These aliens may want to claim planet earth for themselves! So modern human beings would then have to make way for a much smarter species.

But don't worry, be happy! Most people survive potential large-scale catastrophes, diseases and accidents. The Almighty Creator looks after the well-being of its living things, believe it or not. Always KEEP THE FAITH!

DIEDERIK SCHMULL, February 10th, 2022, Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX U.K.

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