Saturday, 2 March 2024



Just keep going. Idle hands are the devil's playground. Can you handle it, leaving a productive career behind? Always look forward. How long have you still got? Plenty of time! An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but there are true health benefits. Remaining productive in life, however, is much more essential for your physical, mental and emotional health. That's why you should find a way to abolish your official retirement. Just stay put or move on to your next adventure.

Any possible stressful transition is simply not on and should not happen. It's all in the mind. You are meant to be active! You are not limited by your past. You don't want to feel a bit lost, when you are confronted by a forced retreat. Refuse to accept it. The best of your life may yet lie ahead! No kidding! You are now older, wiser and hotter than ever!

Some health problems may slow you down. Down , but not out! Remember, any setback is temporary, not final. Never lose hope. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Be an optimist! Do you have an action plan? What is your ultimate 'bucket list'? Or would you really prefer a journey, without a destination? Everybody is different. But no matter what follows next, make sure that you have a grand finale during the last leg of your long race. Who knows, you may be able to sprint at the end!


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