Your path is unique. Whatever works for you, may not necessarily work for others. There is no single way. No matter how brilliant the path of anyone else appears to be, you may want to let it go anyway. This may not be for you. If your journey is really someone else's, it may not even be helpful being part of it. You're better off in stepping away. Your way comes from beyond you. Once you can see it and imagine it, you're onto something. Wow! You're actually playing your predestined role in the universe.
Do you feel grateful for the good things in your life, however small? This is why you're here. You'll get better and better over time. You should celebrate each tiny milestone. You're being present at a new cycle of creation. This is exactly the miracle of life. Do you dig it?
Sometimes things don't go your way. Welcome to the club! Every so often that means working tirelessly. Deal with it. Everything takes time. But try and find your way to take the leap. It may not turn out to be such a long shot, after all. You could achieve massive success against all odds. That happens all the time. So keep the faith.
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