Monday, 15 July 2019



Sounds familiar? It seems, that you have a million things to do and you fight, like you're running out of time ('Non-Stop', Musical 'Hamilton'). Or it seems, that you fail to 'keep up with the Joneses' and it looks like you're falling behind. Or it seems, that keeping up appearances is a losing battle. Enough for an inferiority complex! You might yearn for something you can't easily get, like some spectacular achievement. The strong desire for something may be accompanied by: 'I'll be back, just you wait'.

An experience of weakness, helplessness and dependency will disrupt your emotional processes, unless you turn around and fight back. Make your move and make it soon. Nothing is impossible in this life. Miracles do happen all the time. But why compare yourself to others, whose situation you don't really know? Why would you care? Think about what your goals are for your life. Isn't it much easier to find contentment with the things you do have rather than chasing what you don't?

What everyone around you seems to be doing is nothing else than crowd behavior. A herd mentality is largely emotional, because a crowd cannot think and tends to become irrational. Stay true to yourself! Why would you be like a sheep blindly following the flock no matter where they go because that's just what the herd is doing? That's a recipe for bad decisions! Once you separate yourself from the pack, you'll be able to think clearly again. You'll be able to create something of real value and you can begin to build a following of true fans, who hold you in high regard. 'Just you wait' suddenly sounds very different.

DIEDERIK SCHMULL      July 15th, 2019       Westcliff-On-Sea, ESSEX, U.K.

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